Cork LNG

*Update: In January we received the fantastic news that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Port of Cork and NextDecade energy to develop the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal in the Port area has expired at the end of 2020 and Port of Cork stated that they have no intention to renew it.

This is a big victory for LNG campaigners both in Ireland and globally, and it is through all of our combined hard work that it was achieved. This was a coalition of grassroots groups, individuals, NGOs, and politicians. We have all played a crucial role. It included everything from petitions, demonstrations taking place around the country and abroad, civil society sign-on letters, motions within Local Authorities in Cork, public events sharing testimonies from affected communities in Texas and the work of Politicians within Dáil Éireann all putting pressure on Port of Cork. With each decision like this we erode the social licence of this industry and prevent new markets for their dirty fossil gas.

Not Here Not Anywhere will continue to work with our allies globally and in Ireland as the next step in our campaign is to get legislation passed in Ireland that will ban the construction of all LNG terminals which would ensure any of the other four projects planned here would not go ahead.

We must stop Cork LNG, a proposed liquefied natural gas terminal which would import fracked gas from the United States into Cork harbour and lock us into fossil fuels for 40 years. Sign the Uplift petition here.

NextDecade Corporation, Flex LNG, and the Port of Cork signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed to explore a joint development opportunity for a new Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) and associated LNG import terminal infrastructure in Cork harbour. The company aims to have the project online as early as 2019. Port of Cork is an Irish semi-state which is under the remit of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.

The Inisfree FSRU facility in Cork Harbour is intended to take delivery of LNG from NextDecade’s planned Rio Grande LNG project in South Texas. The planned unit would be capable of handling three million tonnes of LNG a year, with an initial offshore storage capacity of nearly 200,000 meters cubed, a quarter of the proposed storage for the onshore Shannon LNG project. The Cork LNG project would be fixed to the land by a jetty.

It is proposed that NextDecade will ship LNG into Cork from its planned terminals in Texas. It will then be turned into fossil gas and pumped onto the main gas line from the Kinsale gas fields which run onshore in the Whitegate area.

Why are we against this project?

Climate Change
We do not need more gas, according to research by 2035 the substantial use of fossil fuels, including natural gas, within the EU’s energy system will be incompatible with the temperature commitments enshrined in the Paris Agreement.

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