Our Climate Pledge asks future local councillors to commit to concrete climate action on two key climate issues: Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Data Centres. By signing the Pledge, local election candidates agree to raise or support a motion on either of these issues, making them a Climate Leader or Climate Supporter. Get more details if you’re a candidate or a voter below.
We will publicise who has signed the pledge before the elections on 7th June, so everyone will see who is a Climate Leader, a Climate Supporter or a Climate Culprit!
“Councillors don’t legislate for national policy, so why a motion?“
Yes, while councillors don’t legislate over national policy their voice at council on national issues still matter. These motions will indicate our councillors’ commitment to these issues, of which some will become TDs, and represent the views of their constituents that we want a fossil free future. Furthermore, councillors have influence over the implementation of local area plans, including the rezoning of land types, so one of these motions raised at the right meeting could have significant impact for their local communities.