Data Centres

To ensure that data centres do not undermine our climate commitments, we are calling for a moratorium on data centres until a cap can be set based on climate targets and they can be run entirely on renewables. No new fossil fuel infrastructure should be built for data centres.

Read our updated September 2023 data centre briefing.

Find our data centre planning submission template to object to projects in your area here.

Not Here Not Anywhere is a fossil free group, so why are we interested in data centres? 

One of our core aims is to stop the development of new fossil fuel infrastructure; from huge developments like Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals to gas-fired power stations that use fossil gas to generate electricity. A few years ago when researching new gas power stations in Ireland, we noticed that many of these developments were being proposed alongside another type of infrastructure: data centres. Data centres are large buildings which house servers and other IT equipment to support data delivery and storage. The high level of electricity required to power data centres makes them a huge risk to achieving the rapid, just energy transition to a fossil free future that we urgently need. Scroll down to read about data centres in Ireland, policy recommendations, and find out what you can do to make your voice heard on this crucial issue!

For more information on data centres see our March 2021 webinar here and our September 2023 data centre briefing here.

Want to take action now? Scroll down to find out how!

Data Centres in Ireland

As of June 2023, there are 82 operational data centres in Ireland, with another 14 under construction. Additionally, 40 data centres have had planning permission approved with another 12 awaiting a decision (, 2023). Powering data centres requires a huge amount of electricity. Data centres account for 18% of all electricity use in Ireland, equivalent to 1.5 million homes. Electricity consumption by data centres increased by 31% in 2022. This is putting unprecedented strain on the electricity grid, with grid operator Eirgrid estimating that data centres may account for up to 27% of Ireland’s electricity demand by 2028.  The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) in Ireland has noted a risk of rolling electricity blackouts due to the substantial energy consumption of data centres – a risk that is disproportionately borne by the most vulnerable groups in society. Although renewable electricity generation is increasing rapidly in Ireland, if data centre expansion continues at its current pace, we will still need additional fossil fuel generation, particularly gas generation, to power data centres. In some cases, a data centre is used as justification for building new fossil fuel infrastructure. The Shannon LNG project promoter, New Fortress Energy, declared plans for a huge data centre next to a proposed LNG terminal.

Data centres in Dublin (Source:, 2023)

Data centre policy recommendations

Currently, the Irish government’s policy on data centres supports their development. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment issued an updated statement on data centres in July 2022. The statement does not impose a moratorium on data centres or require them to be powered by renewable energy, stating only “preferences” rather than preconditions.

To ensure that data centres do not undermine the just transition to a fossil-free future, we make the following policy recommendations:

1. A national policy must be developed that sets a cap on the level of data centre energy demand that can be accommodated by the grid, while meeting our renewable energy and climate targets consistent with our commitments under the Paris Agreement. A moratorium should be placed on data centre development until this policy is developed.

2. The policy should include:

a. Setting an overall cap on the level of data centre energy demand that can be accommodated by the electricity grid.

b. Requiring data centres to be transparent about the sectors they are providing services to, and the types of services provided, allowing the Government to order the shut down of some types of data centre services but not others in the event of shortages or black outs, and allowing the Government to ban some types of services (e.g. some forms of cryptocurrency mining) completely.

c. Requiring data centres to provide flexibility to the grid at times of day and times of year when wind and solar energy on the grid is low relative to demand – and not allowing data centres to use fossil fuel generation as the means of providing this flexibility (they can use other means e.g. energy storage, time-shifting of data processing services).

d. New data centres must be powered entirely by one of the following, and existing centres should be required to transition rapidly to:

    1. On site direct renewable power source generation combined with energy storage, or
    2. Off site renewable power source and energy storage with dedicated grid connection (avoiding Renewable Energy Certificates).
    3. Any renewable energy infrastructure must comply with best practice public participation.

e. New data centres should have infrastructure in place to enable heat generated from them to be utilised for district heating systems.

A bill which would place a moratorium on new data centres, along with new fossil fuel infrastructure, has been proposed by Bríd Smith TD and we support this Bill.


New data centres must apply for planning permission through the planning authorities; usually An Bord Pleanala or the relevant County or City Council. Proposed developments are subject to public consultation, which means we can have our say by submitting to the consultation.

See our New Planning Applications page for a list of relevant upcoming projects and guidelines on how to submit an objection to them.

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