About Us

Welcome to Not Here, Not Anywhere!

We are a nationwide, grassroots, volunteer group campaigning to end fossil fuel exploration and the development of new fossil fuel infrastructure in Ireland. We advocate for a just transition to renewable energy systems both here and around the world. We are a non-partisan group and are not affiliated with any political party.

Why do we need a Fossil Free Future?

Any new fossil fuel projects in Ireland would result in what is known as carbon lock-in – committing us to fossil fuel energy for decades to come. It’s simple — to keep global warming below 1.5°C, coal, oil and gas needs to stay in the ground to avert the deadliest impacts of climate change.

An important part of our campaign is to raise awareness of the unjust global fossil fuel industry, and the role Ireland plays in supporting the oursourcing of dirty energy to other countries around the world. So we are also actively working to ban the importation of fracked gas into Ireland through Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals.

How can I get involved?

Not Here Not Anywhere campaigns through a combination of speaking truth to power by lobbying our politicians and getting out on the streets to call for climate action, and raising awareness about fossil fuel exploration and infrastructure.

If you are interested in joining the campaign for a fossil-free future please join us and get involved! Always remember, we are building a movement for a fossil-free Ireland so no matter what your level of experience and background, everybody is welcome.

Our weekly meetings are held every Monday evening from 7pm to 8:30pm. Most meetings are virtual, but generally, once a month we hold an in-person or hybrid meeting at the offices of An Taisce, 5 Foster Place, Dublin 2. Drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll arrange for you to link into the meeting – whether online or in person.

Join the Movement!

Location Dublin, Ireland E-mail [email protected] [give_form id="763" display_style="button"]
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